What are the different immigration programs in Canada?

Canada offers several immigration programs catering to different needs and qualifications. Some of the main programs include:

Express Entry: A points-based system for skilled workers, including the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and Canadian Experience Class.
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Allows provinces and territories to nominate individuals for permanent residency based on regional labor market needs.
Family Sponsorship: Enables Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their spouse, common-law partner, dependent children, parents, and grandparents.
Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers: Quebec has its own immigration selection process for skilled workers intending to live in the province.
Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP): Designed to attract skilled workers and international graduates to the Atlantic provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP): A community-driven program aimed at attracting skilled workers to smaller communities across Canada.
Start-Up Visa Program: Targets entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build innovative businesses in Canada.
Self-Employed Persons Program: For individuals with relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics who can make a significant contribution to Canadian culture or sports.
Caregiver Programs: For individuals with experience as caregivers who can provide care for children, the elderly, or individuals with high medical needs.
Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds: For individuals in exceptional circumstances not covered by other immigration programs.

These programs provide various pathways to permanent residency in Canada, catering to skilled workers, entrepreneurs, family members, and those in need of humanitarian protection.