🛫 Quebec Premier Sounds Alarm on Immigration Surge

🛫 Quebec Premier Sounds Alarm on Immigration Surge
Photo by Adrien Olichon / Unsplash

Quebec Premier François Legault has expressed concern over the province's current immigration levels, warning that they could lead to an "overreaction" against newcomers. Legault stated that he wants to avoid a situation similar to the United States or France, where immigration debates have fuelled extremist views.
The premier's comments come in response to recent data showing a significant increase of over 300,000 non-permanent residents in Quebec within the past two years. Legault believes this number exceeds the province's capacity to accommodate newcomers effectively.
By raising these concerns, Legault appears to be calling for a more measured approach to immigration in Quebec, emphasizing the need to balance newcomer intake with the province's ability to integrate them successfully.
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Current immigration levels could lead to ‘overreaction,’ Quebec premier says
Quebec Premier François Legault warned Friday there’s a risk of “overreaction” against newcomers if the province maintains its current immigration levels.